SHAR Project is a Moscow-based architecture bureau created by Russian architects Sandro Sherents and Oleg Ivanov-Shtofman in 2012. Oleg and Sandro being the alumni of Moscow Architecture Institute have been collaborating for over 10 years and worked for a number of architecture companies. Sandro focused on the architecture and design of public places, while Oleg being an employee of Mosproekt-2 was actively involved into "big" architecture. Miscellaneous knowledge and experience allow Oleg and Sandro to successfully meet a wide range of challenges – from the big architecture and interiors to the graphic design and overall esthetics and functionality of a project.
Отзывы о работодателе SHAR Project
18 декабря 2013
Чувствуешь себя ценным сотрудников)), Высокие зп, Не скрывается часть зарплаты, Выплачивают аванс, Своевременные выплаты отпускных)